Thursday, February 1, 2007

My first entry here

I have been reading a number of Catholic homeschool blogs now and thought it was time to join in the fun!

First, let me explain the name. We are a household full of animals. Most of them happen to be birds, fish, and dogs. We figured that we could not find a more appropriate name for our homeschool than one named after St Francis.

This is our third year of homeschooling and we are now feeling more comfortable with it. We have been in and out of a few support groups and have now settled on two (during the day): CHEER and Family Learning Opportunities. Each gives to us something different and I look forward to being able to be active in SouthPittCatholicHomeschoolers, too!

We have a number of students in this home. I must count myself one of them ;-) We are all learning the CCC, Latin, and Ancient History (including mythology).

Fratello Maggiore is a 4th grader who is a Webelo Cub Scout. This is his curriculum program this year:
Singapore Math 4 (plus Key to ____ workbooks when working in decimals, fractions, and geometry)
CHC's My Catholic Speller, Level C
CHC's Language of God for Little Folks, Level C
Faith and Life grade 4
Prima Latina + Exploratory Latin (to prepare for the American Classical League's - Exploratory Latin Exam)
Reading Your Way Through History
D'Aulaires' Book of Greek Myths + mythology review from American Classical League (to prepare for the National Mythology Exam)
Extras: English for the Thoughtful Child, Analogies, Teaching with Aesop's Fables, and Basic Level Perplexors (logic puzzles)

**You probably noticed that I left out science. I did not add this to their curriculum because they are Cub Scouts and, as such, do a lot of civics and science throughout the year.

Fratello Piccolo is a 2nd grader who is a Wolf Cub Scout. This is his curriculum program this year:
Singapore Math 2
CHC's My Catholic Speller, Level A
CHC's Language of God for Little Folks, Level A
Faith and Life
grade 2
Prima Latina + Exploratory Latin
Reading Your Way Through History
Extras: English for the Thoughtful Child, Analogies, Teaching with Aesop's Fables, and Basic Level Perplexors (logic puzzles)

Half-Pint is 3. She is our little animal doctor most of the time. She already knows most of the basic pre-school stuff. She can also count to 10 in both Latin and Japanese. She is currently learning colors in Latin, too!

Things I grab to supplement our learning: The Holy Bible, CCC, Our Catholic Faith, Understanding the Scriptures, Comprehensive Curriculum workbooks (they are thick and full of extras when I feel the boys need more practice at something.), Diagramming Sentences, and Wordly Wise books.

We find learning everywhere. Field trips, daily living, and friends really do a lot to aid this process for us. Everyday is a new adventure in discovery and, most times, my patience ;-)


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