Thursday, February 15, 2007

More snow and ice

It seems I have done nothing but shovel a large driveway and de-ice two minivans for the last two days! I have sore muscles galore - and that is even with all the karate I do! It sure is cold out there, but it is a wonderful treat to come in and grab something HOT to drink when I am finished.
The boys are getting their work done. Fratello Maggiore is cramming in the last of his mythology prep so that he can study what he has learned all next week. His test is on Thursday. He is also very busy with fractions. Fratello Piccolo is doing a great job with calculating money and he has just aced this week's spelling test!
We are doing no school work tomorrow since we have eye exams and an overnight at a local hotel with friends. I will be scrapping with T and the guys and kids will be swimming and hanging out! It is a special treat for us in the middle of winter. I'll even treat them to doughnuts and juice. That is something we don't ever eat here since I insist on healthy breakfasts -- much to the dismay of my children! LOL

I am chatting with R, my "sister to another mother", who is gearing up for surgery tomorrow. We will be her prayer warriors and are going to storm heaven with get well prayers. I hope she can plan a trip here this year after she has recuperated - I'd love to be her host again!

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