Wednesday, February 7, 2007


Here I sit for a few minutes. The kids are out with Nana getting some much-needed exercise at an indoor playplace. I am getting some much-needed SILENCE and rest. It is funny -- I already have dinner in the slow cooker, am getting the house clean/laundry done and I have to run a puppy outside every hour, BUT I do not have to speak to anyone or referee any disagreements (or wars - LOL). Believe me, ladies, I am thanking Him for this little blessing! I think that if I had a nice deep tub, I'd make time for a long soak with a hot cup of herbal tea...

Half-Pint kept me awake from 3 am on today. She had an accident and soaked her bed, so she ended up between Mama and Daddy for most of the night. The problem was that she decided she needed to dig her little body into my back every 10 minutes or so (I guess she wouldn't get cozy enough?!). I chugged a couple cups of java down (too bad I couldn't add it directly to my blood stream *G*) and got myself moving at a snail's pace. But at least I am moving, yes?

I looked at the entries from our first days of homeschooling and I smiled. I was so nervous! I see how far we have come in the last three years...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Michaela..Your doing a great job!! Keep up the good work!! I know how you feel about the exhaustion. We just have to keep praying and believe that the good Lord & his Blessed Mother will get us through. And don't worry about your little one in bed. My 8 year old sleeps with us every night! It gets to be a pain sometimes, but I love snuggling with him..Take Care