Saturday, April 28, 2007

Our second child's First Holy Communion

Well, Praise God for His many blessings! Fratello Piccolo made his First Holy Communion and Confirmation on Sunday. He, and 33 others, received Christ at a special 2 pm Mass. Our pew was packed with family and it was beautiful to witness another of the children God put in our home receive Him.
He was so handsome and happy. He was careful to sit straight and kneel quietly at the proper times. It was a longer Mass and the church was a bit stuffy on such a warm spring day, but he was so great about any little bit of discomfort he experienced. His godmother was in attendance and his Nana was his Confirmation Sponsor.
Of course, I was teary-eyed. I observe none of my children's milestones with a dry eye. It seems I was made to be "leaky" like in the little story Why God Made Mothers.

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